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TOA600 系列SMD 小间距TOA600 Series SMD Small spacing


调度中心,控制指挥中心,监控中心,会议视频中心、信息中心,演示中心,演播中心等领域和场所Dispatching center, control command center, monitoring center, conference video center,information center, demonstration center, studio center and so on.

箱体简洁轻便,装拆和运输及其方便无风扇、零噪音、低功耗,压铸铝一体成型,自行散热好小间距屏系列,画面非常高清细腻,对比度和灰度等级高无缝拼接,画面平整度高,画质好采用逐点校正技术,保证使用过程中颜色和亮度的一致性RGB 深层灰度处理,色彩丰富细腻,画面清晰自然精准、灵活的定位式安装,四面锁扣固定,能快速、精准拼装专业级的航空插头连接,安全、稳定、可靠电源和控制卡双备份,如一路发生故障另一路自动切入
Simple ,super thin and light weight design ,easy to install and transportFanless design, zero noise, low power consumption, automatic heat dissipationSmall-pitch series obtain high contrast and high grey scale, it can display HD andsuper fine details
Seamless assembly and excellent flatness to show you the high quality imagesSupport for one-byone pixel revise to assure the uniformity of brightness and colorRGB meticulous grey level adjustment to make a abundant and exquisite colors and
clear/natural imagesAccurate/flexible installation, Buckle design for the sides to realize quickly installand disassembleProfessional and standard air plug with high quality guaranteePower supply and control card double backup, it can automatic cut into when otherside in trouble

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